Monday, April 27, 2015

Amity Law School bids farewell to the LLM class of 2015 at Amity Gwalior

Amity Law School bids farewell to the LLM class of 2015

Final word of advice from the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor

A farewell was conducted on 31.03.2015 to bid farewell to the LLM class of 2015 in the University premises on 31st March 2015 from 1600 hrs onward.

Welcoming the dignitaries and the gathering on the occasion, the Director, ALS wished the students a bright career and assured them that the ALS would help the students with placements.

In his speech, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor blessed the students and counseled them that whatever be the career they chose, the students must be sincere and honest.  If they chose litigation, they must accept the cases which are morally correct. He also stated that if they chose teaching career, as a AUMP would welcome the alumni back to join as teachers.

The junior students conferred titles and mementos to the LLM students.  After cultural programmes the students had DJ followed by dinner by 1930 hrs.

Dr Ch Narasimha Swamy,
Director, ALS

Singing a tribute to the passing out batch

The LLM class of 2015

HoI and Faculty of Amity Law School with the paning out batch

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